Dr. R. Graham Greenland grew up in Rockford, MI where his family owned and operated a small convenience store called Uncle Lee's Trading Post. Dr. Greenland attended Rockford High School and graduated in 2006. He attended undergraduate college at the University of Detroit Mercy McNichols Campus where is graduated in 2010 with his Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry. Immediately before attending his first year of dental school, in the fall of 2010, he was diagnosed with Stage III Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He was treated with chemotherapy and radiation at the Lemmon Holton Cancer Center and achieved remission in May 2011. After successful treatment he returned to the University of Detroit Mercy Dental School where he graduated with his DDS in 2015.
With his personal experience and passion for material science, he completed a three-year Advanced Prosthodontics Residency at Mayo Clinic's campus in Rochester, Minnesota, which prepared him for a career in private practice and academic dentistry. His training included an intense focus of fixed, removable and implant prosthodontics in a multidisciplinary learning environment. Afterwards, Dr. Greenland completed a year-long fellowship at MD Anderson Cancer Center, focusing on Oral Oncology and Maxillofacial Prosthetics. During this fellowship he received advanced training in Oral Oncology and prosthesis design/management.
Grand Rapids has always felt like home to Dr. Greenland. He is excited to build a team to promote oral health and wellness through bridging the gap between dental and medical care providers. In his down time, Dr. Greenland enjoys photography, biking on the White Pine Trail and reading current literature to stay up-to-date in the clinic.
What is an Advanced Prosthodontist?
Prosthodontics is one of nine dental specialties recognized by the American and Canadian Dental Associations. Prosthodontists have extended training after 4 years of dental school in areas of restorative dentistry that include dental implants for individual or multiple tooth sites, crowns, bridges, complete dentures, partial dentures, cosmetics, and facial and dental birth developmental defects. Prosthodontists are also trained in the hands-on technical aspects of laboratory fabrication of complex dental prosthetics and complex restoration of dental and facial esthetics. Dr. Greenland’s training was completed in a hospital setting where he worked with various to delivery interdisciplinary care to deliver the safest and most effective treatment for his patients.
What is a Maxillofacial Prosthodontist?
Maxillofacial Prosthetics is a branch of prosthodontics that involves rehabilitation of patients with defects or disabilities that were present when born or developed due to disease or trauma.
Prostheses are often needed to replace missing areas of bone or tissue and restore oral functions such as swallowing, speech, and chewing. In other instances, a prosthesis for the face or body may be indicated for cosmetic and psychosocial reasons. Prosthetic devices may also be created to position or shield facial structures during radiation therapy.
Patients that typically desire prosthetic care are those that have been in an accident, have had surgical removal of diseased tissues, or have a neuromuscular disorder from ALS or a stroke. Children can also be born without full development of ears, teeth, or palate and need specialized care.
Maxillofacial prosthodontists are accustomed to working cooperatively with ENTs, oral surgeons, general and specialty dentists, plastic surgeons, neurologists, radiation oncologists, speech pathologists, anaplastologists (medical artists that create facial prostheses), and various other ancillary personnel.